AliExpress is a popular shopping platform nowadays, its low prices and convenience have brought a great shopping experience to buyers worldwide. However, behind this, AliExpress has some interesting practices for its sellers: for example, selling at low prices, favoring buyers for no reason returns, etc. For these reasons, you may see fluctuating discount prices and shipping speeds in Teian’s AliExpress store.

Teian strives to provide reasonable services for everyone. However, this time Teian’s AliExpress received a 1-star review. What happened, let’s take a look:

The cause was that the buyer selected to purchase 3 sets of the 2 x 104hp option on the Rails and Brackets package page. However, he did not notice that his own selection did not include Brackets. So he thought it was unfair and to post it on Facebook, which may be a threat to me but I have no evidence to prove it.

We find it very boring. We believe that fairness is a two-way street. So we have requested that the buyer bear the shipping costs for the return.

So we received such a complaint.
It’s ridiculous that AliExpress has different judgments in the Chinese and English versions.
In the English version, AliExpress considers the buyer a good buyer, so they decided on the return without further investigation.
However, in the Chinese version, AliExpress has a different stance, stating that the seller can only provide evidence to refute the buyer after receiving the returned goods.

From my perspective, the ruling given by AliExpress is that they cannot find evidence of the seller’s fault from the buyer’s evidence. However, based on AliExpress’s principle of protecting buyer interests, they allow the buyer to return the item (with the seller paying for the shipping first), and after the seller receives the goods, there will be 7 days for the seller to provide a rebuttal for judgment. From this, it can be seen that AliExpress exploits sellers because returns from the UK to China take half a year, but sellers only have 7 days to provide a rebuttal, meaning AliExpress is helping buyers play a rogue.
Although AliExpress may deceive and conceal, Teian does not.

These are the evidence photos uploaded by the seller. It can be seen that his shopping option was indeed 2 x 104hp, and the goods I provided were also in perfect condition. What’s even more ridiculous is that the seller claimed that eurorack only has one type of U.

This is the whole story of the 1-star incident on AliExpress.
From this incident, it can be seen that the AliExpress platform is chaotic. This is a very complex matter, with many issues arising in the international e-commerce environment due to special circumstances. Teian operates in this environment, which is both a challenge and an opportunity. In the end, we would like to say that Teian will do its best to provide good service, but this is also based on mutual respect and equality. We hope everyone can continue to support us. Thank you.